Q. So really well-played match. What can you take out of this? How proud are you of yourself this week?
YU-CHIANG HOU: Yeah, actually really proud of myself, and then happy with this result. I will never think of that, you know, three month ago.
And then really just, you know, working every day to this golf course, you know, playing step by step, you know, playing whole week until the last day, last round, you know, it feels amazing.
And then, yeah, I just really grateful, yeah.
Q. Jensen game out playing so well but you hung in there, and then on 16 you made that long putt. You never gave up. What does that say about yourself?
YU-CHIANG HOU: You know, that's the only thought in my head, you know, just really never give up, fight until the end, and then I'm really happy I did that.
And, you know, lastly, just really want to congrats to Jensen. She played really well.
Q. What's next for you? I think maybe Q-School.
YU-CHIANG HOU: Yes, I have Q-School and then college season starting September. Really looking forward to it, too.
Q. What did it mean to have your coach fly in?
YU-CHIANG HOU: It means a lot to me. My coach is the best and then also my assistant coach, he was here the first few rounds, and then they just always give me the biggest support and then a lot of love.
I love them so much. Really want to make them proud. And then, yeah, I think I really did my best, yeah.
Q. You definitely made them proud. Last question: What was it like to share this week with your sister?
YU-CHIANG HOU: It's something really special for both of us. You know, my sister haven't caddie for me for a long time. It's been a lot. My bag was really heavy, and I can't imagine how she been through this whole week. Nine round of golf in seven days. I really have no idea how she came through that.
I really appreciate to have her with me this week, and then we really having a lot of fun on the golf course and really enjoy our time here.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports