U.S. Amateur Championship

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Bandon, Oregon, USA

Bandon Trails

Wilson Furr

Quick Quotes

Q. Wilson, great playing today. First of all, let's talk about the 62, one of the greatest rounds in U.S. Amateur stroke play history. What's your impressions of what happened today?

WILSON FURR: Yeah, I mean, until you told me all that, it didn't really hit me, to be honest with you. We were just trying to run our game plan all day, and I just started hitting it close and a couple putts went in, and then kind of looked up and we were 7-under through 12. Like I said, it just kind of happened real fast, so I don't know what to say really.

Q. Was there anything that was different about the way you played today? Was there something really sharp today?

WILSON FURR: Iron play was -- I've really been working on it recently. It's kind of been a struggle of mine, and I've really been working on my iron play, and it really showed off today. I think I had like four kick-ins today with a wedge, so that was huge. Then made a lot of like nice eight-footers for birdie.

Q. Were you conscious as the round went along that you might be getting toward the lead as far as -- the lead of stroke play?

WILSON FURR: No, I didn't, to be honest with you. I was just trying to make another birdie. I kind of just got in a little zone there midway through the back nine, and I was just trying to make birdie on every hole.

Q. Right now it appears that you'll be the medalist. What does that mean to you?

WILSON FURR: Yeah, that's super cool. Obviously it's a huge confidence booster. We were talking about it, confidence breeds confidence -- I mean, success breeds success, so we were just trying to make more birdies, more birdies. Like I said, being medalist gives me a lot of confidence going into match play. Never been to match play before in the U.S. Am, so super excited about that. That was my big goal coming into the day.

Q. You've played in a lot of Juniors, too, got to match play in the Junior. Will any of that help you as you get ready for tomorrow?

WILSON FURR: Absolutely. Not just the confidence side. Obviously that'll help, but we really did a good job of running a game plan today. I tend to be overaggressive so we really stayed true to our numbers, even when birdies started piling up. So I think I can draw back on that as the week goes on and stuff gets tough, too.

Q. In the lead-up to the U.S. Amateur, was there anything that you were doing that possibly you knew that something like this could happen?

WILSON FURR: I had been playing really well. I have. Recently, even at the Southern Am and the Western Am, but I just wasn't playing smart enough to be able to compete over an extended period of time. So in the week coming up to this, I had really worked on a strategy to kind of stay within myself and just play smart, and it's paid off.

Q. Let's just talk about a few of the birdies today. There's so many of them. I don't even know where to start. You had a stretch in there where you birdied four in a row, 7 through 10?

WILSON FURR: Yeah, that was an interesting -- I hit it to about six feet on 7, made it. And then hit a great bunker shot from like 30 yards on 8 to about eight feet and made it. Hit the green in two on 9, two-putted, and then hit it to like a foot on 10.

Q. And how far out were you when you hit that shot?

WILSON FURR: I was 148 yards, I hit pitching wedge.

Q. You took a break on 11, made a par, and then you made three more in a row, 12, 13, 14.

WILSON FURR: Yeah, stuffed a 4-iron on 12, rolled right back there to the hole just two feet, tapped that in. Had a 9-iron from 156 yards on 13, hit it to a foot. And then 14, I actually hit it into a terrible place, right of the green, and I pretty much told my dad, I was like, listen, nowhere is good that we hit it, so we're just going to hit a super flop and see what happens. Went for the super flop, and it landed perfect, and it just went to like four feet. Just one of those days. So that was cool.

Q. You bogeyed 17 but then you come back here on 18 to finish off with a birdie. I wouldn't say 18 is a birdie hole.

WILSON FURR: Yeah, I mean, 17 I actually hit a pretty decent shot but it plugged in the front bunker so I was actually excited to make bogey there to be honest with you because it was a pretty bad spot. And then 18, I just demolished a drive, and it caught the downslope and I had 73 yards in.

Q. So that looked like about 14 feet roughly?

WILSON FURR: Yeah, I would say so, yeah.

Q. Was there any break in it?

WILSON FURR: Yeah, played it just outside right. I mean, it was exciting for sure.

Q. I know the score is something, but is this the best round you've ever played in competition?

WILSON FURR: It's got to be up there because it's funny I was telling my dad walking up 18, I was worried about that course. I felt like I had a good eye for the other course, but I was worried about this place. I felt like it could come up and bite you, so here we are. It didn't.

Q. It didn't bite you and you're on to match play?

WILSON FURR: Yeah, I'm excited.

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