U.S. Senior Open Championship

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Jeff Maggert

Quick Quotes

Q. Started off with three birdies in your first five holes and finished pretty good with two in the last four. Take me through those holes.

JEFF MAGGERT: The early start today was a bonus, and I'm sure a lot of the guys took advantage of it. The course was soft and not much wind.

So I just hit some good shots. The first two holes are holes to take care of so -- and then just hitting them in there close, easy tap-in birdies, and made a nice putt on the 5th hole. Not really a birdie hole but made a nice long putt there.

Just tried to hit a lot of fairways and greens today and that's kind of what I did. I missed the fairway on 9. In a bad lie; made bogey.

Other than that, I drove it really well and didn't get in a lot of trouble out there.

Q. So same game plan for tomorrow: Fairways and greens?

JEFF MAGGERT: Yeah, played a little tougher at the end because the wind came up. I'm sure tomorrow be a little bit more challenging. Definitely fairways and greens.

Q. You're a past champion. Think you're in that mode right now with this good start?

JEFF MAGGERT: Yeah, been playing a lot better. I've always had success on USGA setups and U.S. Opens and Senior Opens. I feel comfortable here. I like the golf course. Beautiful golf course. Just keep doing what I'm doing and try it make some birdies over the next three days.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
145722-1-1041 2024-06-27 16:44:00 GMT

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