U.S. Senior Open Championship

Friday, June 28, 2024

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Bernhard Langer

Quick Quotes

Q. These three pars on the back, did you know where you stood coming around?

BERNHARD LANGER: Yeah, I know where I stood.

Q. Any of those putts you felt were key to keeping the streak going there?

BERNHARD LANGER: Well, I had a lot of four or five putts that hit the lip or were really close that could have gone in. It was just that type of day; nothing really dropped.

Q. I know you're not usually just on the cut line, but how are you feeling going into the weekend?

BERNHARD LANGER: Well, it's obviously not where I wanted to be, but it would be nice to be here for the weekend. Then shoot two good rounds and improve.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
145787-1-1041 2024-06-28 23:09:00 GMT

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