U.S. Senior Open Championship

Monday, July 1, 2024

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport Country Club

Vijay Singh

Quick Quotes

Q. I had six birdies on the card for you today. Walk us through your round a little bit?

VIJAY SINGH: I played pretty solid. The wind was -- the wind that we played pretty much all week, and it was afternoon and coming the right direction and we kind of learned the golf course pretty good.

You know, one or two mistakes here or there, one our two missed putts, one or two made putts but I played pretty solid. I'm happy with my round.

Pretty disappointed with the last hole. One hole where you kind of miss a drive, and I just toed it a little bit, went left. Anyway...

But, yeah, not happy with the finish. I mean, I would've loved to be in contention a bit more, but maybe next time.

Q. Newport Country Club, one of the founding clubs of the USGA. Thoughts on it still being a championship venue?

VIJAY SINGH: It's a great venue. The only problem with this venue is the wind change. You can go out there in the first day and have wind one direction, and then in the afternoon it changes another direction.

If both sides get the same wind, then it's okay. But it could be different, like yesterday was totally different wind all day.

I love the golf course. You know, it's challenging, but it needs wind to make it difficult.

Q. Lastly, what's next on the schedule for you?

VIJAY SINGH: Week off and then The PLAYERS.

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