U.S. Mid-Amateur Championship

Friday, September 16, 2022

Erin, Wisconsin, USA

Erin Hills

Bryce Hanstad

Quick Quotes

Q. It looked like one of those matches where he just wouldn't let you back in.


Q. He had a good enough putter today...


Q. ...to keep you at bay.

BRYCE HANSTAD: He did, yeah. Outside of maybe a one-off putt here or there inside eight feet, it was just solid.

So good ball-striker. I just didn't feel crisp today. I don't know if I ran out of energy or what, but not quite sharp today, which is a little disappointing.

It's been an incredible week.

Q. When you had some chances, like he got up and down at 8 out of that bunker.


Q. Made another putt at 9. Did you feel like, Hey, I'm just in the going to get to that guy today?

BRYCE HANSTAD: Yeah, to be honest, I felt like that way yesterday afternoon, like kind of escaped one there a little bit.

It's just kind of the nature of match play. You're never really out of it. Yeah, couple clutch up and downs on the front nine got him some momentum.

Q. How do you feel about your week? Second Mid-Amateur. What did you learn the first time you played in the Mid-Amateur to help you this week?

BRYCE HANSTAD: I think it was just a little bit of realization that I can play. Just building some confidence and getting back into some competitive events on a more national scale above the state level I think. Just get ting that experience is super helpful.

Q. Do you think you'll maybe rededicate even more if your time allows to play more golf or...

BRYCE HANSTAD: We'll see. My wife has been a champion at home for the last eight days with our ten month old. So, no, it's something we love to do as a family so definitely see continuing to put some time in it.

I've got a great coach in Brandon Sutton at home club. We've made a lot of progress, and look forward to seeing what else we can do with it.

Q. And your home club is?

BRYCE HANSTAD: Olympic Hills Golf Club in Eden Prairie.

Q. I'm sure the Colorado State Rams will be proud of you.

BRYCE HANSTAD: Yeah. Yeah, you know, I've had an overwhelming amount of support from people this week, both in Alexandria where I grew up back at our home club, family, friends, college boosters, just across the board it's been pretty incredible.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
124790-1-1041 2022-09-16 16:55:00 GMT

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