U.S. Women's Amateur Four-Ball

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

San Antonio, Texas

Oak Hills Country Club

Lauren Slatton

Savannah Cherry

Quick Quotes

Q. The extra-hole queens. Do you have nine lives?

SAVANNAH CHERRY: I don't know, I wish we would have ended on 18.

LAUREN SLATTON: I also wish we would have ended on 18.

Q. You made some incredible putts today. The putt on 18 in the morning and then the putt on the first extra hole. Then you made another one on the 20th.


LAUREN SLATTON: Savannah was doing great today.

SAVANNAH CHERRY: Yep, just trusting the putter. My favorite club.

Q. It's your favorite club?


Q. Who made the putt on 17 to tie it?


Q. How long was that putt?


Q. So not a bomb.

SAVANNAH CHERRY: No, that wasn't a big one.

Q. Did you guys feel something this week that you could pull off these upsets? You knocked off a team in the morning that shot 14-under in stroke play.

SAVANNAH CHERRY: Yeah, we were just feeling confident.

LAUREN SLATTON: I feel like we like coming back. We always do better when they're in the lead and we come back.

Q. So tomorrow you'll just fall behind --

LAUREN SLATTON: We don't want to fall behind on purpose, but --

Q. Does it take the pressure off you a little bit maybe when you free-wheel it a little bit more?

LAUREN SLATTON: I feel like we're more pressed to do something when we're behind, so we make things happen.

Q. Obviously this is the biggest championship you guys have ever gotten this far in I would assume?


Q. Did you guys ever play a USGA event before?


Q. You guys have been friends -- how do you form your team?

LAUREN SLATTON: We have known each other since we were really little. We played U.S. kids together back when we were eight.

Q. You tried to qualify for the women's four-ball before?

LAUREN SLATTON: No, this is our first qualifier actually.

Q. It was just a friendship thing that clicks?

LAUREN SLATTON: Yeah. We play well together.

Q. What about your thoughts tomorrow playing in the semifinals? You also get a two-year exemption.

LAUREN SLATTON: Yes, that's true.

Q. As long as you stay amateur and you keep your team intact, you're exempt for '25 and '26 now being semifinalists?

LAUREN SLATTON: Yes, that's insane. We're really excited.

Q. What do you think tonight will be like? Obviously you're probably tired, but --

SAVANNAH CHERRY: Rest up for tomorrow.

LAUREN SLATTON: Yeah, we're going to go home and hit the sack. We're so tired.

Q. Do you have any superstitions like eating at the same place this week?

LAUREN SLATTON: No, we've eaten at different places every single night. We'll eat Mexican again. Mexican seems to be working.

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