U.S. Women's Amateur Four-Ball

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

San Antonio, Texas

Oak Hills Country Club

Lauren Slatton

Savannah Cherry

Quick Quotes

Q. You guys obviously did not get off to a great start. You guys dug yourselves a big hole today with four bogeys in the first nine.

LAUREN SLATTON: Yeah, we like coming back from behind, but I think we got too far behind to come back. We were getting a birdie run down the stretch, but there's nothing you can do when you have to win every hole to tie it.

Q. Were you guys mentally a little tired, physically a little tired going into today?

SAVANNAH CHERRY: Yeah, we were a little tired, but I think it was mainly waking up from this morning. It was an early tee time, and I think we didn't hit the range early enough.

LAUREN SLATTON: We were a little rusty on the first few holes where we got most of our bogeys, and I don't think we played bad, I just think we didn't prepare enough. If we would have hit the range a little earlier, I think some of those bogeys would have been avoidable.

Q. You guys are bronze medalists and also exempt for two years. Just sum up your week.

LAUREN SLATTON: We're happy. We didn't think we'd make it to Wednesday. I actually was planning to go back today, and the fact that we made it here today, that's great.

Q. You've got something to build on for the rest of the summer and obviously into next year?

LAUREN SLATTON: Yes, it is. Definitely.

Q. Have you guys played any two courses that are coming up in '25 and '26?


LAUREN SLATTON: So we're excited to see them.

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