U.S. Adaptive Open

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 6)

Conor Stone

Quick Quotes

Q. How would you describe today's round?

CONOR STONE: Tee to green, yeah, very good. I think I missed two greens all day. Yeah, missed a lot of birdie putts inside eight, nine feet, so wasn't happy. It's just the grain. I'm not used to the grain on the greens, so honestly very disappointed. I felt like I could have shot a very good score, but reading putts completely wrong, and yeah, it is what it is.

Q. That's understandable; it's tough out here in Pinehurst. How would you describe overall your experience here at the inaugural Adaptive Open?

CONOR STONE: It's fantastic. It was great, right down from the volunteers, the condition of the course to everything, it's ran so well. It's the best event I've ever played in. It's the exact same as a PGA TOUR event or a high-end event. Like it's run brilliantly. It's fantastic. It's a great week. Just the golf was not good.

Q. What will you take away from this week?

CONOR STONE: I don't know, to be honest. I didn't play well all week. Just not beat myself up. I know it's the biggest tournament of the year, but at the end of the day it's only another tournament. It's not life changing. It's not going to -- it would be life changing if you won, but it's not life changing if you play bad.

Q. What do you think the impact of this event on the adaptive golf community will be in the larger scheme of things?

CONOR STONE: Yeah, it's going to be great. We're all aiming for the Paralympics. We all want golf to be in the Paralympics. I think this will be the next push to getting the Paralympic committee to bring golf on board. So yeah, hopefully golf will be on board in 2028.

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