NW Arkansas Championship

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Rogers, Arkansas, USA

Pinnacle Country Club

Annie Park

Quick Quotes

Q. Three questions. Here with Annie Park. Tell me what was working really well in your round today and how gratifying it is to just being playing well out here in Arkansas?

ANNIE PARK: Yeah, it's great. I mean, I don't remember how to -- what a good round felt like, so...

But it's been great. Today like I was just aiming for birdies, and that's exactly what I did. I had one bad hole, but that was back, so that's what mattered.

Q. I know that this is an important week to get some CME points for you. How are you looking to just keep driving tomorrow?

ANNIE PARK: Yeah, just going to keep looking forward, just chase the leaderboard.

Q. Is this a course where you've got to be more aggressive out here and really find those birdies?

ANNIE PARK: I think it's a little bit of both. I think you definitely have to kind of play a little strategically, hit some great shots, and when you get the chance, yeah, for sure play a little aggressive.

Just leaving myself that chance and that opportunity.

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