ISPS HANDA Women's Scottish Open

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Dundonald Links

Lilia Vu

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: We are joined by Lilia Vu here at Dundonald Links. Kind of talk about being back here at Dundonald, and how has it been so far?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, I mean, I love being back in Scotland. I feel like the fans are great. They know real golf. They are super friendly and, I love being out here. Hopefully the weather holds up.

And I think my goal this week is just to be adaptable to the weather, whatever it is. Today is really beautiful. I wish it was like this every day but I know some weather is going to be coming in.

THE MODERATOR: You just finished the Pro-Am. What do you think of course?

LILIA VU: The only thing I noticed different today is the wind is kind of opposite from what we played it last year. I don't know if this is going to be the primary wind but we'll kind of adapt and do whatever we need to do out there.

THE MODERATOR: What is your experience with links golf? Is it something you enjoy or have much experience with?

LILIA VU: Yeah, I love links golf. I think it's really fun. You kind of have to be really disciplined with your starting lines. You always have a target that you want to land at, but you have to aim it way far away from that to be able to achieve that.

THE MODERATOR: Just a couple more before we open it up.

We are a couple months back since your return and your win in June at Meier. How does the game feel?

LILIA VU: I think I'm kind of going through a rough patch right now. So much golf. I'm just trying to get back on track, and grateful to be playing golf at all and lucky to be here playing.

THE MODERATOR: It would be remiss not to ask, what was your Olympic experience and taking it all in?

LILIA VU: Yeah, it was super fun. There's a lot of fans, a lot of non-golf fans that came out. I think Saturday there was 25,000 tickets sold. It was really cool.

I was able to play the first few days with Celine Boutier. She had a massive crowd. It was kind of crazy. I couldn't even hear my own thoughts. And I think the third and fourth round, wish I would have played with her. I heard my own thoughts, "Island green. Don't go left. There's water there."

It was super fun. It was very, you know, just a lot of people, a lot of things happening in Paris.

THE MODERATOR: Outside of the golf, did you get to see any other sports or meet any other athletes?

LILIA VU: Yeah, so we watched swimming the Saturday we got there and was able to see Katie Ledecky win Gold again, and also we saw the four by 100 hundred mixed medley. That was cool. They got Gold, too, for USA.

Rose and I met Katie. I met her at Closing Ceremonies because she was the flag bearer.


Looking ahead to next week, going in as defending champion, always a very special time, but to do it at St Andrews, what does that mean to you?

LILIA VU: Yeah, it means everything. It's the start of golf. Golf started here, and I know all the history of the golf course and everyone that's played there before us. I know Stacy Lewis won there.

So super excited to go see the golf course for the first time next week. It should be good.

Q. (Is playing a links golf course the week before the best way to prepare for the AIG Women's Open.)

LILIA VU: Links golf, windy, I think it's the best way to prepare for next week. Similar style. I don't know how it's going to play out there. I think in past tournaments here before, it's been a little short because it rolls out pretty good.

But I'm not sure with the rain coming in and maybe the wind could dry it out, how it will play out.

Q. (Off mic.)

LILIA VU: I feel like I try not to think about it too much. I feel like every week is a new week that you have an opportunity to win. I think I'm going to stick to my process and hopefully try my best.

I mean, usually my goal is to try and beat the golf course every day, and then kind of puts you in a good position to have an opportunity to win.

Q. Are you staying on-site this week?

LILIA VU: I'm not. I'm staying in Troon.

Q. You've stayed on site in the past; just how nice it is, and what's it like to be back with a new title sponsor and how the event has grown?

LILIA VU: Yeah, I mean, I wish I was staying on site because it was me and my mom the past few years. But I have my dad with me here as well because obviously I want him to be at St Andrews next week.

This tournament is always so fun, and I hope it stays. I always look forward to coming to Scotland every year. It's just one of my favourite places to play.

THE MODERATOR: Just last one and a little fun one.

Coming up on a year since your victory at Walton Heath last year. How is Walton?

LILIA VU: He's so good. He's at my grandma's house being a ruckus, but I just love him so much.

THE MODERATOR: If you win another one, will you name him Andrew?

LILIA VU: I want a girl, maybe Andie. I was thinking about it on the course today.

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