The LPGA Drive On Championship

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Alena Sharp

Quick Quotes

Q. Alena, we were just saying that 2-under, you really thought someone was going to come out here and tear it up. What are you feeling after the first round?

ALENA SHARP: Well, I drove it really well and hit it fairly close. Putted much better on my second nine, which was the front. Playing it this week I thought the front was very scorable and shot 2-under on the front finishing my day at 2-under total.

I was happy with how I hit it and kind of just got into the groove of it on my last nine.

Q. The back nine, we heard from a couple players that when you're starting on the back nine it's a little daunting, challenging. What did you do to prepare for starting on the back nine?

ALENA SHARP: The one hole that sticks out in my mind is 15. It's just a very difficult green, and I hit a good drive and I had a mid-iron in, which was very helpful. Almost made the putt for birdie, so I ran away with a par there.

Was very happy about that.

Just kept it in the fairway and really hit controlled iron shots and just didn't get into any trouble. It was nice to get off that front side at even and have a lot of wedges in on the front.

Q. What did you first think of Reynolds when you first got here? This is the first time a lot of players have seen this course, and I'm assuming including yourself.

ALENA SHARP: Yes. It's beautiful. The views are amazing. The course is in great shape. I really like how the architecture of the golf course, I think this suits my eye. I love playing on Jack Nicklaus courses.

Q. What is there to work on going into tomorrow?

ALENA SHARP: Just a little bit more feeling confident with my putting. I think just going to kind of cool down. I felt better on that back nine, so just want to cool down and just take it in and have that from the get-go, not on my back nine.

So that's my goal, just hit a few putts and go relax.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
102692-1-1041 2020-10-22 18:13:00 GMT

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