The LPGA Drive On Championship

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Emma Talley

Quick Quotes

Q. I was talking to Alena in the scoring tent saying that both of you were trading great shot after great shot. What are you thinking coming off the course?

EMMA TALLEY: Yeah, we had a great group today. Jenny shot 1-under, Alena shot 2. They made it look easy. It as really fun today. Had a fun group and feeling confident going into the week.

Q. How have you felt about your game lately, especially gearing up for DriveOn when normally we would be over in Asia right about now.

EMMA TALLEY: Yeah, my game has been up and down all year. My game has felt solid all year, so just trying to stay patient.

Q. Staying patient I feel like is something everyone grapples with. As you geared up for a week like this knowing that after this we'll have a couple weeks off, what do you do to whether it's focus more intently on staying competitive or are you one of those to just taking a seat back?

EMMA TALLEY: I'm actually going to Florida with my parents. They just bought a house, so I'm going to go help them move in and get the cable running for them.

Q. So after this you're putting down the clubs for a little bit.

EMMA TALLEY: Yeah, for at least a week. I'm probably going to try to surf a little bit and go swimming and just enjoy my family.

Q. What were some of your first impressions her at Reynolds?

EMMA TALLEY: Oh, my gosh. My good friend Cullen Brown passed way at the beginning of this quarantine when we started playing again. This is one of the places that he wanted to come, and so as soon as I got here obviously I had some -- it already held a special place in my heart.

It's as beautiful as he always said it was. It is gorgeous. The lake is beautiful, the clubhouse, even the town is beautiful. So I'm happy to be here.

Q. Did he play here a lot or...

EMMA TALLEY: No. He was actually supposed to come down here for a fishing trip right before he found out he had cancer. Like I said, I think I saw a butterfly on one of the holes and I said, There is Cullen.

Q. I love that. I know you've been playing for him over the past couple weeks. What is there to work on as you move on into the next round?

EMMA TALLEY: Yeah, I think, like I said, just stay patient. My card was very colorful today, so try to knock off some of the bogeys and be happy about all the birdies I made today.

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