The LPGA Drive On Championship

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Lindsey Weaver

Quick Quotes

Q. Lindsey, what a great first round here at Lake Oconee.


Q. How do you feel now that you got round one under your belt?

LINDSEY WEAVER: Well, it always feels good to start off well, especially on a course that no one has ever really played before. It feels good to get a solid round under my get belt. I was just trying keep up with the girls in my group today because that was making birdies left and right. I think between the three of us we really pushed each other to keep making birdies. It was pretty cool.

Q. How about that synergy between you three? Did you talk a lot with them or was everybody doing their own thing out there?

LINDSEY WEAVER: No, we talked quite a bit. It was pretty light. No one was too serious or anything. It was really fun to play with those two.

Q. So you started on hole 1, and may I ask when were the up and downs in terms of momentum today?

LINDSEY WEAVER: So I hit it in the water on No. 9 which you really can't do. Only place you can't be is short there, so that was a pretty big mental error on my part.

Bogeyed 10.

But I knew 11 was a birdie hole and I could make birdie there, so kept trying to keep going and not let it get to me. I knew I could make birdies and I had been. I knew I was playing well before that, so I knew if I just kept going that it would come.

Q. And then knowing that, you made four birdies in the next five holes. Is there a memorable birdie that you had today?

LINDSEY WEAVER: I made -- not so much memorable. Well, I guess No. 15 is a pretty tough hole and I hit hybrid into there and made birdie off that one.

So that was pretty good.

But I made a lot of really good par putts, too. I made two really good sand saves, so I think that was more so what kept my momentum going as well.

I had already made the double and the bogey after that, so it was good to not pick up any others.

Q. We had a week off last week. What did you do and how did you prepare for this week?

LINDSEY WEAVER: So I actually -- right after I finished in Philly I went to Ohio to pick up my two dogs from my parents' house. They take care of them while my fiancee and I are on the road. We brought them back to Dallas with us because my fiancee is done with his season now on Korn Ferry, so we have them back in our house.

It's like -- it's just so much fun with them. I'm like such a crazy dog person, so having them with me makes me so much happier and it's great to come home. Every time I'm home I'll be there with my family, so that's nice.

Q. They're the secret to happiness, of course.


Q. Lastly, we have Ophelia with Girls Golf here.


Q. She is our on-site reporter and she has a question.


OPHELIA BUNUEL: Hi, I'm ten years old and for my question, at Girls Golf of Miami we recently started up tournaments and we had a three clubs and a putter tournament. If you had to play a tournament with only three clubs and a putter, what three clubs would you use?

LINDSEY WEAVER: I would say driver, 7-iron, and pitching wedge. And putter.

OPHELIA BUNUEL: Thank you. Those are similar to the clubs I used in the tournament.

LINDSEY WEAVER: 7-iron is a staple. It covers all areas.

OPHELIA BUNUEL: Yeah, absolutely. Thank you.

Q. Thank you and good luck this week.


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