The LPGA Drive On Championship

Friday, October 23, 2020

Greensboro, Georgia, USA

Reynolds Lake Oconee

Danielle Kang

Quick Quotes

Q. Danielle now that you got round two in, what are you thinking about in terms of tomorrow?

DANIELLE KANG: I think I'm in pretty good position for the weekend. Getting to know the golf course a little bit better every day.

Today played differently than yesterday because tee'd off early and golf course played longer. Yeah, the greens were a little bit more -- there is dew on it so it was a little slower. Towards the end started drying up so I had to adjust.

I think I'm just getting to know more and more.

Q. Do you think that you tend to play -- or do you prefer morning or afternoon rounds or does it not really matter?

DANIELLE KANG: I think I prefer afternoon rounds, to be honest. I like it when I'm warm, I'm all warmed up and ready to go. I don't like the cold.

So early morning wake-ups are tough on me. I like sleep.

Q. You started off on hole 1 and made three pars and then a bogey, and then you went immediately into two birdies. What was that sort of mindset like those three holes?

DANIELLE KANG: Made a bogey and I was over par and I didn't -- I left a lot of shots out there. But I don't like bogey, so I think that kind of drove me a little bit more to make a birdie, more so than before.

So I don't know. I think I was just trying to hit good shots and putts and just chug along.

Q. You still had four birdies, but I'm sure you had more opportunities out there.


Q. What do you think worked the most in terms of your game today?

DANIELLE KANG: I think I got -- I kind of just saved it when my ball striking wasn't there; when my putting wasn't there I saved it by the second putts.

I think it was just a lot of ham and egging between my own bag.

Q. My last question for you is: How are you soaking in all this beautiful, like the golf course conditions and everything into the next two rounds? What are you thinking strategy-wise now that you've got a couple more rounds in?

DANIELLE KANG: I think trying to get a feel for the golf course as early as possible will be really helpful for me.

Teeing off tomorrow in the afternoon, so the golf course is going to play different again tomorrow to today. Like I said, I think it's just getting to know the golf course every day a little bit better and better.

Hopefully my knowledge today can help me tomorrow.

Q. I do have one last question.

DANIELLE KANG: No problem.

Q. If you win do you think you're going to jump in the lake?

DANIELLE KANG: I haven't thought that far. I'm worried about tomorrow first. Day by day. Got to take it step by step.

Q. Compare yesterday's round to today's round.

DANIELLE KANG: I think the golf course played a little bit differently from the afternoon to the morning.

I haven't played this golf course in the morning yet. That's my mistake.

But the golf course played longer for me, so I didn't have that many birdie opportunities as I did yesterday. Yeah, kind of that's about it. I think just giving yourself the most opportunities, and today I didn't have as many.

Q. Your shot in on 18 got stopped by the rake from going into the bunker. Would you have preferred it go in?

DANIELLE KANG: Yeah, 100%. I was not happy about that. I was not happy. But the bunkers are usually -- I like bunkers a lot so I just kind of went, No.

But it's okay. I made the putt, so we're good.

Q. You did make the putt. Did the chip surprise you? It caught up.

DANIELLE KANG: No, it didn't surprise me. I put some spin on it, but if I didn't put any spin it's going to tumble, and if it tumbles there is another ridge, so I just kind of gave it my best and it just sat too quickly.

But it is what it is. I know I'm rolling it well. I just forget about what happened and try to make that putt.

Q. So yesterday you had Mr. Whan out here doing course commentary. I saw picture on Twitter. Do you think he should keep his day job?

DANIELLE KANG: I think he did a pretty good job. Watched reruns, the highlights. Yeah, I think I like him as commissioner. We need him.

Q. We do need him. Thank you very much and have a great weekend.

DANIELLE KANG: Cool. Thank you guys.

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102714-1-1041 2020-10-23 18:45:00 GMT

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