The LPGA Drive On Championship

Friday, January 26, 2024

Bradenton, Florida, USA

Bradenton Country Club

So Mi Lee

Press Conference

How would you describe your second round?

It hasn’t been that long since my round ended, so it’s kind of chaotic. I’m glad I was able to finish better today than I did yesterday. But today’s over and now I need to think of how to play tomorrow.

What went particular well for you compared to yesterday’s round?

Honestly, I shot better yesterday, but my birdie putts dropped more today and that’s why I was able to score a lower round. There was one short part putt that I missed, which was unbelievable, so it’s a little disapointing, but I’m not a robot. I’m a human and can make mistakes. So if mistakes happen again tomorrow, I’ll try to move on from it casually.

You’re referring to your putt on the 8th hole. How were you able to mentally hold yourself after that?

It was a difficult lie, but it slid to the side like unbelievably that it was actually funny. I was like, ‘Is there something wrong with the putter?’ If I missed it barely, I might have gotten mad, but it was so unbelievable that I didn’t really get upset about it.

Round 2 isn’t over yet, but you’re the clubhouse leader. And at this rate, you’ll be playing in the final group on Saturday. As a rookie, it’s a phenomenal achievement. How do you feel?

I guess you can say I’m not thinking much. I’ll look forward to playing in the final group. I watched the LPGA when I was in Korea, and I’m thankful I get to play with the players I watched in the final. I’m very thankful and I look forward to it.

Did you expect to play this well heading into this week?

Not at all. I actually worried a lot because I thought I might not have prepared myself enough. But I’m satisfied that I’m playing well despite my worries.

What will be the key to continuing your momentum?

I want to have fun. Of course, focus when I need to focus. For me, I get more nervous when I don’t talk and tense up before a round. So I like to talk and I think I need to have fun tomorrow.

What was the difference in putting today versus yesterday?

I changed my routine a little bit. I think I kind of lost my timing of the routine when I took a long break during the offseason. So I’m trying to get my good routine back and I think putting emphasis on that today led to a different result.

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