The LPGA Drive On Championship

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Bradenton, Florida, USA

Bradenton Country Club

Auston Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Auston Kim after her stellar third round here in the LPGA Drive On Championship. Talk about the round, specifically the back. I mean, birdie, four birdies and an eagle and eagle birdie to end it. What's working right now?

AUSTON KIM: Yeah, it was a bit of a blur. I was just playing golf. I honestly can't remember what my scorecard looks like. I made bogey on 9 unfortunately, I was an unfortunate three-putt; missed a really short one. But that helped me lock in a little bit more, provide a little bit extra focus.

Once I made the turn, I felt like I was moving at really good pace, really good tempo. I just started seeing the lines. My shots were moving the way that I wanted them to. I felt really aggressive today.

Q. How comfortable do you feel out here? Talking with you off the course, obviously you have the personality and everything, but you just seem so calm, even keeled, for a rookie, obviously. How comfortable do you feel out here right now?

AUSTON KIM: Yeah, there is a big contrast compared to yesterday. I felt a little more tentative, more than I should have been, and I played too defensively. That obviously showed in the score.

So today when I woke up I really wanted to make sure that I was going to have an aggressive mindset and play aggressively to my spots.

I wasn't afraid of anything bad happening, more focused on executing as well as I could. I wasn't thinking about what could go wrong today. I was more so thinking about how can I get the shot right and how can I give myself the best look for birdie on every single hole.

Q. Do you think your success a little bit last year on Epson has prepared you for this moment?

AUSTON KIM: Oh, for sure, yeah. I competed an entire year on the tour and it was really helpful for me personally to learn and grow and understand what it takes to succeed, what works for me. I'm very grateful to have experienced that last year.

Q. And you tied for the lowest round this week, set yesterday by Maja Stark. What kind of confidence does that give you as well knowing among the field, you're a rookie, and that you've tied for the lowest round so far?

AUSTON KIM: It's really cool. There is a lot of perspective and I was really giving myself a pat on the back today. It's not easy out here, but I wanted to get past that difficulty and really focus on being aggressive today because yesterday was just not it for me personally. I don't like the feeling of playing defensively.

So to be able to have that offensive mindset and to be able to execute, that just shows me what really works and reinforces what I worked on this past year.

Q. And this is my last question: Is this your first cut on the LPGA Tour?


Q. First made cut?


Q. I know you said you struggled yesterday, but how proud are you of the work you did in the off-season and to have your first cut. I'm sure going to bed last night felt nice.

AUSTON KIM: Yeah, of course you don't want to worry about the cut, but I was pretty proud. It was my first career cut made. Thankfully the first tournament of the season.

My goal is to get into contention more and this was definitely a really good experience and hopefully tomorrow some more putts and good shots.

Q. Last one from me. What's going to be the mindset heading into tomorrow knowing you're right up there in contention and playing against some of the greatest golfers on our tour?

AUSTON KIM: It's just golf, again. Today was a really good lesson compared to yesterday, as to playing defensively versus being more aggressive, which I love to do.

So, again, it's just golf tomorrow, but I want to be, again, aggressive to my spots and just try my best to execute. I know that I can get the job done.

Q. I lied. I have one more question. Minjee kangaroo, So Mi Lee, so many rookies up near the top, is this just a taste of what's to come for this 2024 rookie class?

AUSTON KIM: For sure. The talent pool is there. They're all really good players. It just motivates me to do even better. Again it's me versus the course. I'm not really look at anyone else.

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140809-1-1041 2024-01-27 17:40:00 GMT

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