The LPGA Drive On Championship

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Bradenton, Florida, USA

Bradenton Country Club

Lydia Ko


Q. Round of 69 today. Currently chasing Nelly Korda who's finishing up her round. Seemed to us like the conditions were a little bit more difficult today; is that a fair assessment?

LYDIA KO: On pointe. Yeah, I think it was really windy. It was almost as windy as the peak of the first day. You know, it didn't really die down until we were pretty much in the last hole, so in some ways holes played a lot shorter or longer and that makes the golf course play very differently.

But you just have to play with what you get. I saw plenty of still really good rounds even though it was windy this morning. That kind of gave me the belief that I could potentially shoot a good score today, too.

Q. You have the chance to get into the LPGA Hall of Fame with a victory tomorrow. That's talked about a lot. You would be the 35th player. What would that mean to you and how much is that in your mind being on the line tomorrow?

LYDIA KO: I feel more comfortable being a point away than two points away, which is weird because you would think like the two, you're further away so two wins or a major. I feel like I'm almost so close that it's like, hey, I just got to keep working at it. If it happens, that's great.

I'm sure coming down the stretch and if I am in contention or leading, it will probably be lingering in my mind. That thought came across last week when I was coming down the stretch.

It would mean a lot. I honestly didn't ever imagine that I would be one of the names that would be in the Hall of Fame. I always thought that was out of my reach. To have that opportunity is really awesome.

I'm just going to keep working at it. But there are so many players and I saw the weather forecast tomorrow it's going to be very breezy again and cold. So there is just so much golf to be played and I just want to shoot the best score I can out here. If that makes me finish at the top of the leaderboard, that's great.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
140815-1-1041 2024-01-27 22:26:00 GMT

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