CME Group Tour Championship

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Naples, Florida, USA

Tiburon Golf Club

Hye-Jin Choi

Quick Quotes

Q. How was your first round overall?

Hye-Jin Choi: It was overall a satisfying day for me, especially finishing with a bogey-free round. It was a good day.

Q. You hit 13 of 14 fairways and 17 of 18 greens? How did you manage that?

Choi: Throughout the practice rounds, I was feeling good about my shots, so I feel like I hit it with ease. Thanks to that, I attacked the pin with confidence and that led to a lot of birdies and finishing with a bogey-free round.

Q. What is your mentality heading into the final event of the season?

Knowing that this really is the end of the season, I think I’m more at ease. Considering that, I’m playing with a more comforting mind and just enjoying myself out there.

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