HSBC Women's World Championship

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

So Yeon Ryu

Quick Quotes

Q. What's it like to be back here in Singapore with your first round underway?

SO YEON RYU: You know, like we were not sure we were able to come back or not but we're here, even though it's a lot of things different. Like I'm still really happy to be here. Still able to play this amazing tournament. It's hot. But I teed off in the early morning so I think it was a bit helpful. Like I played with kind of like cooler condition for like five or six holes and after that it got hot. But I was able to do really well with my umbrella or sun-brella.

Overall my game was really great and I'm happy with how I played today, especially the putting. I've actually been sort of like lost the confidence with the putting but today my putting was really great.

Q. It your putting led to a spring of birdies on the back nine to get it started.

SO YEON RYU: I think I don't really care like which nine I'm going to start with. I guess we are just so used to teeing off 10s and first tee one day. You know, no matter which nine you start with, you know once you start to have like birdie, birdie, like you start to like boost up and you feel like okay, today is a day I can go really low and just try to play more aggressive to play low.

Q. What is it like playing aggressive in temperatures like these? I know there's a few players who have not been playing in the Singapore weather in their life. Is there an advantage knowing what it's going to be like?

SO YEON RYU: I think so. I don't expect to have cold weather here. You know it's going to be really hot. I'm doing really good with the heat. I'm not really dealing good with the cold. Actually Singapore is much better than playing maybe Alaska or somewhere. And everybody have the same conditions, so we cannot really complain about the heat or the weather. We just do our best as what we have.

Q. What is there to think about tomorrow? This is the typical no-cut style event. What's it like that you'll have a much later tee time tomorrow?

SO YEON RYU: I think the no cut event gives us more opportunity, even if you're not playing well the first two rounds, you still have two rounds to go and you still have chance to shoot really low and then come back really high up again. So I think no cut events definitely giving us more chance and more confidence, and because I started really great today, I want to keep my low score for all three days.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
107050-1-1003 2021-04-29 05:12:00 GMT

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