HSBC Women's World Championship

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Caroline Masson

Quick Quotes

Q. How are you feeling after day one?

CAROLINE MASSON: I'm feeling good. I feel like I needed, you know, stuff to come together. I felt like my game wasn't too far off the last few weeks and my scoring wasn't very good. Today to make a few more putts and play pretty solid and have a good round score just gets me going. That was pretty nice, yeah.

Q. What do you think is best about your game at the moment? What really put it over the edge today?

CAROLINE MASSON: The big difference was putting. Everything else was really good even the last few weeks and I honestly couldn't make any putts. I felt like I didn't even putt it that bad. They just wouldn't go in. Today I had a few couple long ones that went in and just a few solid putts, which, you know, it's all about confidence in the end. So it's nice to get that a little bit.

Q. So putting was really the big thing. What is it about this first round that maybe kind of sealed it for you? When you did realize that the putts were just going the right way?

CAROLINE MASSON: Well, I made a really good one on two after bogeying the first hole. That was kind of it, I was like, oh, no, here we go again after bogeying the first. That kind of got me going.

Just, I don't know, I'm doing the same thing. Just a couple more go in. So it's hard to think about why, but at least, I don't know, at least that got me going, that long one on two, so that was nice.

Q. You've had a couple consistent finishes over the last three appearances in Singapore. What's it like to return to Singapore?

CAROLINE MASSON: It feels good. Even though it's not back to normal, it feels like a step in the right direction for us to come back overseas and play. You know, Asia is always huge. It's a big market and they are great tournaments. It's just nice to be back here. It's hot but I love it and I just want to embrace it and appreciate the opportunity of being here and I think that's what I'm going to do the next couple weeks.

Q. Do you like performing in the heat?

CAROLINE MASSON: It's probably a little too hot for my liking, but it like Florida, very similar in the summer. You just have to high date and get rest when you can and get ready for tomorrow.

Q. Have you seen any changes since 2019 and did you prepare any differently?

CAROLINE MASSON: Yeah, there's a couple, not too many but obviously No. 3 is different, and then I think it just plays a little bit different. Just a little less firm in the fairways and then the greens are a little softer than they used to be, too. Just have to adjust from what you remember, what you hit on certain holes and how the ball reacted but other than that, it's pretty similar I think.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
107051-1-1003 2021-04-29 05:50:00 GMT

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