HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 30 April 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Lydia Ko

Press Conference

Q. What do you think was going most right for you today?

LYDIA KO: I holed some really good putts, especially on my front nine today. For the most part, I feel like the game has been pretty solid, not making too many mistakes and I think that's really important around here, especially it seems like some player is shooting a low one here and there. I'm just trying to keep up with the field, go with it, and just be aggressive and be confident when I'm out there playing.

Q. This is definitely a gettable course, it seems. Is it the rolling conditions, or what makes it such a birdie-full course?

LYDIA KO: First off, there's not as much wind, so I think for a lot of the pin positions, you can be pretty aggressive with. I think when you're on the green, even when it's 30 feet, the greens are rolling so good that you've got a good chance of holing them.

So I think the course just being in really good condition makes it a lot easier for us not having to judge, okay, is it going to bounce or what is it going to do. So from that point, it's I think just really nice to play a golf course like that.

Q. Being consistent out here, you're still in contention, only three shots out of the lead at the moment. What does that do for your confidence heading into the weekend?

LYDIA KO: I think I've just got to focus on my game and see where it takes me and keep playing solid and stay cool out there and see where I end up on Sunday.

Q. It rained for a tiny bit today, and some people were coming off saying the rain didn't really cool us down; it turned into a sauna afterwards. Was that ever in the back of your mind of just dealing with even with more heat variables throughout day?

LYDIA KO: Marina and I were like, do we need to bring out like a rain glove right now? I think when it was raining, it was pretty cold, but you know when it's over it's going to evaporate and become even hotter. I think you just have to think it's going to be humid out here, so I just take that into consideration, but I think for the most part today, we had a bit of cloud and especially on the front nine, I think we got off pretty good.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
107087-1-1003 2021-04-30 05:40:00 GMT

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