HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 30 April 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Hee Young Park

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Hee Young, I was just asking Inbee the relief she felt with her first birdie of the day. When your first birdie came on 6, was there a sense of relief that the putts were dropping.

HEE YOUNG PARK: Yeah, I had a couple chances earlier, like No. 2 really close and I kept missed it and kind of pressure, and greens were a little bit sneaky faster. Then after No. 6, I kind of at least -- yeah, that's the day.

THE MODERATOR: It was definitely one of those days where I feel like that front nine was a little harder for competitors out here, especially in your group as well. Did you think the front nine was a little harder than the back nine today.

HEE YOUNG PARK: I think so. Even other girls and include me tried to figure out the speed a little bit. First couple holes, a bit struggle, and then after we made a couple birdies out there, then played aggressive.

THE MODERATOR: I was going to say, Inbee was also talking about how the putts were harder to read today. Did you find that difficult?

HEE YOUNG PARK: I think so, the pin positions are a little tucked in side way and a little bit of grain but getting faster. So really hard to figure out the speed.

THE MODERATOR: Yesterday on 10 you had the eagle. Today a birdie, but did you think about your eagle yesterday?

HEE YOUNG PARK: I did. I try to always think about positive way, so when I walk through the fairway, okay, I made an eagle, so might happen again. Good to visualize another good birdie out there. So I think keep good, reminds me.

THE MODERATOR: Did that start building your confidence for the back nine?

HEE YOUNG PARK: I think so, and I believe a lot of birdies out there. So even I missed a couple shots because with the heat and the conditions getting tougher, longer and a little bit of windy afternoon, but I leave a lot of birdies out there. So just keep think about, okay, even I missed a couple shots but it's coming some birdies out there.

THE MODERATOR: Inbee just talked about how you were joking that you're both about the same age and LPGA Tour vets out here. What was the conversation like with you both now tied for the clubhouse lead?

HEE YOUNG PARK: I've known her -- we actually graduate the same middle school back in Korea. So I known her really long time, probably almost 20 years now. Then now we've got both husband and play on the Tour. A little bit of joking about we really, you know, hang out just husband and wife, only each other, feel a little different, but we really enjoyed it. A lot of personal talk a little bit out there. It makes little fun to play golf.

Q. What was going through your mind when you approached that final putt on the 18th hole and how did you feel after you sunk it?

HEE YOUNG PARK: So I missed a lot of birdie putts, even really close, struggle, maybe I forced it too hard. 18 no matter what, I tried to keep focus on my routine before I hit the ball and I think that works really well on 18 with the putts.

Q. How did you feel after that went in?

HEE YOUNG PARK: I mean, very happy. And I think really helps for starting tomorrow, little less pressure and always good remind last putt going to next day. So it's going to be really helpful for rest of the weekend.

Q. And now that you mentioned it, going into the weekend joint first, is it something that boosts your confidence going into the final two days of the tournament?

HEE YOUNG PARK: Yeah, I think so.

THE MODERATOR: On 18, did you know that you and Inbee were kind of jostling the lead all day? Would you consider yourself a leaderboard watcher at all.

HEE YOUNG PARK: So a couple leaderboards out there, so easy to, you know, check the score stuff. But I really try not to really checking my score or any other player's score. Just me and my caddie and try my best. Not really bother anything.

THE MODERATOR: So when that putt came on No. 18 and you were able to tie for the lead going into today, were you kind of overjoyed by the fact of like, oh, yeah, this is probably my best putt of the day maybe?

HEE YOUNG PARK: I think the best putt of the year.

THE MODERATOR: You're going into tomorrow tied for the lead with Inbee. Are you one of those that just focusing on your own game? Do you think about any pressure of holding the lead as we continue on through the weekend?

HEE YOUNG PARK: I think when I have good competitor out there with similar score or anything with same level line out there, I think good really for keep pushing, play aggressive or forcing myself. So I think really good for me, challenging out there. So I think I'm in a really good position right now.

THE MODERATOR: Also, I just want to ask, too, do you ever when you're playing at this kind of level that you're playing at and you're tied for the lead, do you think about that most win back in 2019 and how well you played there.

HEE YOUNG PARK: So 2019, when I won, actually I played a playoff, four holes, but my expectation was really low. I was just happy to be out there.

THE MODERATOR: I meant 2020, I'm sorry. Australia.

HEE YOUNG PARK: Yeah, 2020. Really low expectation, play, going to win -- but I won. Even this week, I have nothing to lose and I wish I can win but I'm not going to force it too much. So I just enjoy out there and try to have fun tomorrow and Sunday.

Q. Sentosa Golf Club has not treated you well in your past five starts. What's been the biggest difference to finding success this week versus your past starts?

HEE YOUNG PARK: So meaning this year's season?

THE MODERATOR: What's different about the way you're playing the golf course this year than your previous appearances in Singapore.

HEE YOUNG PARK: So when I would play, I think three or four years ago, actually different golf courses. A couple holes are elevated or they fit different way. So I think this year, more refreshed with the golf course and always pressure with the wind and green, but this year, everything's new. So back to set it up really, nothing. Really refreshing my mind, really helps for this week.

THE MODERATOR: One more off that before we wrap it up -- one more, I promise you. Do you feel as if with the way you're playing this week, you're a much different player than the last time you came to Singapore?

HEE YOUNG PARK: I think when I play every day golf, I keep growing myself. I learn a lot of things. Still struggle but now I learn about myself, build up my golf game. So when I'm in trouble or anything with frustration, I think I learn little by little. I think everything comes together this week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
107091-1-1003 2021-04-30 06:59:00 GMT

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