HSBC Women's World Championship

Saturday, 1 May 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Inbee Park

Quick Quotes

Q. The front nine, I know you said yesterday was the betrayal of the putter, but the front nine, those birdies kept coming.

INBEE PARK: Yeah, I played great on the front nine but just bad on the back nine. It looked like two different rounds, and obviously I could have done better on the back nine. But it was a little bit disappointing, especially 16, making a double. That just means I've got to work harder tomorrow.

Yeah, I still have an opportunity. That's what really matters, and I'll just go out there tomorrow and try to go low.

Q. Did you feel that putting rhythm in the front nine?

INBEE PARK: Yeah, the putting overall today was not that bad. Just one missed shot, the third shot on No. 16. Yeah, I think it's coming along.

Q. And take me through closing out with a birdie there to finish out your round. How much was that a reliever after the double bogey on 16?

INBEE PARK: Yeah, it was a great birdie on No. 18. That really got me probably have a chance to win tomorrow, so I think that was really huge. Tomorrow obviously we have a lot of girls in the top it's going to be a shootout, whoever plays good tomorrow is going to win.

Q. You've won twice here before what would it mean to you to be able to do a three-peat here?

INBEE PARK: It's going to be amazing. There's not many tournaments that's been done before. Obviously I love playing here in Singapore, so you know, hopefully another good one to come tomorrow.

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107124-1-1003 2021-05-01 07:03:00 GMT

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