HSBC Women's World Championship

Sunday, 2 May 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Patty Tavatanakit

Quick Quotes

Q. Stellar day to end off your first time at the HSBC Women's World Championship. Take me through this final day.

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: My hit my drives great today, but I got a way with a lot of bad ones today. If anything, I feel like my putting was really on point today and just kind of made a lot of putts. Just kind of my goal for the day is just try to putt a little better each day, which is good.

Q. You were going back and forth there with Hyo Joo, continuing to go up and up the leaderboard. How much confidence does that give you after a round like today as we head into next week?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: I'm already confident with my game ever since ANA and I feel like I can compete out there even more. If anything, I don't want to get too ahead of myself, because next week, I know the course, I've played there. It's my home country. Obviously there's a little bit more pressure because everyone wants me to play well, but you know, seeing what I can do out here and try to carry it on to next week, it's going to be important.

Q. Overall what has your experience been like in Singapore last week?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: It's been great so far. I had a lot of good food. I just feel like we didn't get to explore, so that's lie a bummer of it. If anything, I'm just really happy to be back in Asia and play again.

Q. And when is the last time you went back to Thailand?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: It was after Australia. So it's been a year, over a year now.

Q. I know we won't get to do much, but as we get on that plane tomorrow and we get back to your home country, how exciting is it to be able to compete as an LPGA Tour professional, as a Major Champion now, in your home country next week?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: It's exciting. I get to go back home and play in my home country. But you know, if anything, it's just another course, another -- it's going to be a tough week again with the weather and everything. It's not going to be easy. I'm just glad that I got it done and had a nice finish today.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
107163-1-1003 2021-05-02 06:27:00 GMT

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