HSBC Women's World Championship

Sunday, 2 May 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Hannah Green

Quick Quotes

Q. Crazy on 18, but overall your feelings, your thoughts on this crazy day.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I mean, I didn't really feel like I was in it until I holed the shot on 14. That was a nice way to get my momentum. Made a really good putt on 16 to make birdie, but obviously pretty disappointed to have two 3-putts finishing. Felt a little nerves on the last, which is nice, because I guess having the spectators out there it kind of meant something to me. So I'm obviously very close, so I just hope that I can continue this momentum and who knows, have a good result next week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
107164-1-1003 2021-05-02 06:42:00 GMT

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