HSBC Women's World Championship

Sunday, 2 May 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Hyo Joo Kim

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Welcome inside the HSBC Women's World Championship.

Here with this career year's champion, Hyo Joo. What was the feeling sitting in the player lounge and you saw that you had won the tournament after a day liked day you had today.

HYO JOO KIM: I was really happy with no bogeys today, and maybe that helped me feel much hungrier. So I ordered a meal and I was having it, and I had so much fun time there, and I just found out that I just won.

THE MODERATOR: I know you got sprayed with champagne. What was the mindset as you started the day today in the back of your mind, did you feel like you could win this tournament?

HYO JOO KIM: As there were no differences in the score, I thought everybody had the opportunity to win. I didn't make any mistakes on the front nine, and as I went to the back nine, I felt I might be able to win it.

THE MODERATOR: When did the confidence pick up for you as you started the day? You had a few birdies on that front nine, but really kept the pressure the entire day.

HYO JOO KIM: I didn't really have a moment that I felt I could win because there was only one score difference, but I thought I was quite fortunate to win this tournament.

THE MODERATOR: One more from me before we open it up. This is your first win since 2016 on the Tour. In 2020, you didn't play on the LPGA but you won twice on the KLPGA. How satisfying is it to get your first win back on the LPGA since 2016?

HYO JOO KIM: My goal this year was to get a win, and I'm glad I already achieved that. While I was playing on the KLPGA Tour last year, I honed my skills and wanted to adapt them to this year on the LPGA, and I'm very happy that these results came out.

Q. What were you eating as you watched the end of Hannah's round in the player lounge?

HYO JOO KIM: I was eating a pop-tart.

Q. What kept you so calm at the end of play as you were watching her finish?

HYO JOO KIM: I thought I would go to the playoff, anyway, but at the moment I was very hungry and I just wanted to get some food and get ready for the playoff.

Q. You had a two-shot lead until Green had that eagle on 14. Did you see a leaderboard and how did you react when you saw she jumped up to tie you again?

HYO JOO KIM: I was aware at the moment that Green made the eagle on 14. I saw all the leaderboards.

Q. This victory helps further secure your Olympic status making the South Korean team. What does that mean to you with the field being finalized in a touch under two months?

HYO JOO KIM: So I didn't really give a lot of thought about going to the Olympics but I heard from my fans that they want me to end up on the Olympics, so with this win, I feel very confident to represent Korea.

Q. While you were having lunch, why didn't you decide to go to the practice range to practice to get ready for the playoff? Do you always wear a mask or is it this week because of the COVID or is it because of the sun? And the third question is you talked a bit about mistakes. Yesterday you made six bogeys. What were the mistakes that you made yesterday that you didn't make today?

HYO JOO KIM: It was a really hot day, so I just wanted to cool off in the air conditioned area. I have a severe sun allergy on my neck. So with this mask, I don't even need to put my sun creme on, which is very easy for me to get ready.

Those six bogeys I made were short putts missed. Usually I'm very confident with my putter. So I just tried to focus when I needed to make the short putts, and I think that it's concentration that makes the difference.

Q. Did it help that your face is covered, so whether you were upset or you were happy, the other players couldn't tell? Did that help you today?

HYO JOO KIM: I think it might be helpful because with my sunglasses and mask on, no one can really see my face expression. But that wasn't my intention.

THE MODERATOR: As we begin to wrap it up here, you achieved your one goal of the year by winning, and I know you want to make the Olympics because your fans really want you there. But what would it mean for you to represent your home country at the Olympics?

HYO JOO KIM: I played at a couple of international tournaments as a Korean representative for like the junior Cups, so it means a lot to me that I would feel very proud and responsible with the Korean flag on my side and I think it will give a huge impact on not only my golf life but my life in general.

THE MODERATOR: You did a lot of work to come back here to the LPGA Tour. You had quite a successful season on the KLPGA last year. Do you think that the work you put in and your good results last year on the KLPGA certainly helped your work for this season?

HYO JOO KIM: Last year playing at the KLPGA Tour definitely helped me this year. I worked out and did exercise a lot and that definitely helped me with distance, driving distance. It was very helpful.

Q. How does it feel to win again?

HYO JOO KIM: Winning after such a long time, it feels like my first win of all. It feels like a dream at this moment.

THE MODERATOR: Thank you everyone for joining us here at the HSBC Women's World Championship, and congratulations, Hyo Joo.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
107166-1-1003 2021-05-02 07:09:00 GMT

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