HSBC Women's World Championship

Sunday, 2 May 2021

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Xiyu Lin

Quick Quotes

Q. Coming off 18, your caddie gave you a big hug. What are your overall thoughts as you were leaving the 18th green today?

XIYU LIN: Well, I think today it's a little tougher than last couple of days condition-wise and my game was -- I guess I was a little bit tight being in the last group. Hannah has been playing really well, and also Hyo Joo. I think I was paying a little too much attention on the leaderboard.

I think 18th hole still made my day because I managed to finish under par and that's still pretty good for me.

Q. The work you've been putting in, how proud of yourself are you this week?

XIYU LIN: A lot. Right now I'm definitely a little sad but overall if I really just calm down and think through this week, I'm very grateful for what I've done. If you tell me at the beginning of the week, like I'm going to do that well, like finish top three, I'll be like, are you kidding.

Especially last week, as well, because I finished really bad last round and I was very disappointed. We were just about to start some new process and mindset-wise, so it's already working this week, so it's pretty cool.

Q. HSBC has been a huge part of your career as a golfer. What does it mean to be doing so well? It's like a full-circle moment for you, starting in the HSBC Junior Programme and now here you are with a top finish in the HSBC Women's World Championship.

XIYU LIN: Throughout my whole career, HSBC is definitely one of the not many sponsor that is participating in every part of my career, junior, get to play their tournaments, and they also have cooperation with the national team, like the winter trainings and stuff. So I joined the national team. And then the first year being a rookie on Tour, I already got one sponsor invite playing in this tournament, and then this year, same. I just feel really grateful that I'll be able to have that kind of company supporting whole of golf in China.

This week is definitely very unexpected but just lucky first to get a sponsor invite to be playing.

Q. With everything that you've been able to do this week, how do you hope this translates next week in Thailand? I also know that you have someone on the bag with you who is fight familiar with Honda LPGA Thailand and the course there.

XIYU LIN: I haven't played for a long time. So I mean, of course this week is definitely putting lots of momentum and lots of confidence. And I think after all, I still think I manage pretty well and I'm definitely going to take a lot out of this. Next week, just doing the same old, I guess. We've been working for a couple months and start to know each other way better, so just hope to have a couple more good weeks.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
107168-1-1003 2021-05-02 07:33:00 GMT

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