HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 4 March 2022

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Jin Young Ko

Quick Quotes

Q. Another round in the 60s. Are you keeping the score?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah. Well, it was a great round today. And I tried to make more birdies and make more opportunity for birdie chance today.

So I'm happy right now.

Q. I bet you are. 67. You have a share of the lead at the moment. And it's your 13th round in the 60s, so we'll be keeping a very close on that. This year, are you going to play in many golf tournaments? Have you got a full schedule ahead? You didn't play that many last year. What can we look forward to in 2022?

JIN YOUNG KO: Well, I played 19 tournament last year. It's many so far. I want to play just 18 events this year. But my caddie said 20.

Q. 20? Okay. He's telling you. I like it.

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, but we'll see my condition or everything. But I want to play more than 20 if I can more than win -- I can more than win.

Q. Now, you're very different in that when you arrive at the golf course, sometimes you don't hit that many golf balls before teeing off. With it being so hot here in Singapore, is your warmup shorter?

JIN YOUNG KO: No. Not really. Because last year I had injury. So I didn't practice much. But right now it's fine, than last year. So I really want to practice more.

Q. So you had a very good round today. Tell us how you think you played today.

JIN YOUNG KO: I just wanted to get some more birdies than yesterday. And I really focused on my swing before the second shot or like before the green, into the green. So I made a lot of putts today.

Q. Are you satisfied with how you played?

JIN YOUNG KO: Not really.

Q. Not really. What do you want to work on?

JIN YOUNG KO: Well, like my swing feel is a little different as front nine to back nine. So I feel more comfortable in the back nine, so I just want to find -- I just want to find what happened in the front nine, is it mentally or is it like warmup or like needing more stretch before the tee off? So, yeah, I will go to the range right now.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
117368-1-1222 2022-03-04 07:18:00 GMT

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