HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 4 March 2022

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Danielle Kang

Quick Quotes

Q. So, great finish. You must be very proud of the way you turned it around, like it was talking about what we talked about yesterday.

DANIELLE KANG: Yeah, I kept hitting a lot of golf balls in the hazard today. I only have one golf ball left. But I saved pars from the fairway with a 5-wood and a wedge. I also 4-putted today.

It's only Friday, so you got to keep yourself it in it, right? And my goal was to shoot under-par today because it wasn't going my way. I kept hitting trees and it was left and right. And telling myself I'm not perfect, neither is my game. Far from it. So I guess just playing perfectly and perfect is part of this game.

And I made the best of it. I gave myself really good opportunities coming in. I don't like the way I'm hitting the golf ball. But I couldn't really get mad about the 4-putt, to be honest, because my ball was like in a divot, and I knew it wasn't going to roll straight, and it jumped. And then at that point I wasn't like engaged on making a putt more so than trying to lag it. And I'm already on the fourth putt at that point.

So then on the next hole, I stayed aggressive, and I wanted to hit the green and make a birdie, but mis-hit a 3-wood as well. Just kept happening, and all on the front nine. It was kind of a train wreck and carried on.

But I tried every single hole, which was a good part, and yeah.

Q. You had a few great birdies at the end.

DANIELLE KANG: Yeah, definitely. I mean, I hit some great drives. I keep telling myself like even on bogey on 11, I had a great drive. I had a good shot. Nipped the tree and dropped straight down. I hit a great chip shot, didn't roll back, hit a great putt, didn't make it.

Same thing with 12. I hit a great drive, great shot, great chip shot, good putt, bogey.

It's just sometimes -- I'm just trying not to let it get to me.

Q. Actually talking yesterday about how it was about the process and not necessarily the results, you managed to stay in that place today?

DANIELLE KANG: Yeah. Sometimes I fail. Definitely. And I'm far from where I want to be right now still. But I kept myself in it, which is the main goal.

We're only halfway done. I feel like we played like seven rounds right now. It's been -- it's long days and it's hot, and I feel like we've been out here.

But it's only halfway through, which is a great part. And no one is taking off with it, which is great.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
117371-1-1222 2022-03-04 07:48:00 GMT

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