HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 4 March 2022

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

A Lim Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. Another good round today. Can you talk about how you built sort of yesterday with consistency?

A LIM KIM: Yeah, today, very hard. But I'm okay. But for tonight, my skirt's too broken. It's a surprise, but it's okay now.

Today, pins hit very hard. Pins hit very off side. But I focus on only great putt. But today a little bit bad my putting condition. But it's okay.

Q. It was a harder day, but you still scored well. And you're still right up the leaderboard, so you must be pleased.

A LIM KIM: Yeah.

Q. Can you tell me what shot you split your skirt on? How did you split your skirt?

A LIM KIM: Oh, yeah, my skirt -- I don't no idea. No idea. Number -- I know No. 7. But it's okay.

Q. What did you make? What score did you make on No. 7? Did you par 7 when you split your skirt? Did you still make par or did you birdie?

A LIM KIM: Little bit uncomfortable.

Q. Did you -- when you did it, did you make par?

A LIM KIM: Mm-hmm.

Q. You parred the hole?

A LIM KIM: Yeah.

Q. That's good.

A LIM KIM: But just surprised. Yeah, uncomfortable my torso feel. But it's okay.

Q. You've done a good repair.

A LIM KIM: Yeah.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
117373-1-1222 2022-03-04 08:07:00 GMT

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