HSBC Women's World Championship

Saturday, 5 March 2022

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Hannah Green

Quick Quotes

Q. A flawless round today, five birdies?

HANNAH GREEN: Six birdies.

Q. Six birdies. Can you talk about what changed from the first couple days? You were playing well, but you've got up the leaderboard.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, I felt like I hit it closer today. And then I kind of holed a couple good putts and then made the hole look a little bit bigger.

But, yeah, had good company. And it was just -- it was a lot hotter today, but I think I was a bit more concentrating on my shot versus the first two days I was still acclimatizing to the weather.

Q. And was it -- it was your putting that made the difference today?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, definitely. I mean, I hit it closer than I did, especially the first round. But once I finally saw one putt go in, it kind of just gave me a bit more confidence. And we're all kind of playing well, so we're just all feeding off each other.

Q. And do you think that the -- the pins were quite hard yesterday. Do you feel like they were a little bit more scorable today?

HANNAH GREEN: I think so. I will also think I hit it in better positions to be able go to the pins as well. So I feel like everything in my game is slightly improving. It was just the first round I couldn't really put a score together.

Q. Did you play in Florida at the start of the year?

HANNAH GREEN: No, this is my first LPGA event of the year.

Q. So the rest is well and truly off today.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, exactly. I had a couple of events in Australia that I played, but, yeah, this is my first LPGA event. And I knew it was bound to come, some rust, you know, especially with the heat here. It's hard to concentrate for five hours on the golf course.

Q. You won in Australia, didn't you?


Q. So you're coming from the tournament being confident.

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah. But I felt like the last two events it was a little bit different, probably not as tough a field. So to come back to LPGA and not have the best first round, I'm just happy with today's round.

Q. Yeah, it's a different vibe obviously playing at home, which is lovely, but then it's a bit -- do you feel a bit more nervous?

HANNAH GREEN: Yeah, it just feels like -- I mean, it is the biggest stage, but it just feels like there's more pressure to try and win out here. I had a good result last year, and then obviously having two wins already this season, you kind of put a little bit more pressure on yourself.

So, yeah, it was just really nice to have a good round today and jump up the leaderboard, even though I don't know where I am just yet.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
117416-1-1222 2022-03-05 05:10:00 GMT

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