HSBC Women's World Championship

Thursday, 2 March 2023

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Patty Tavatanakit

Quick Quotes

Q. Patty, what a great round today. Can you talk to me a little bit about the round, first of all?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: Everything was pretty manageable. I feel like I scored really well today. Managed to feel a little bit more comfortable on the course, which is really good.

Q. And what was the difference between last week and this week, say, in your game?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: I figured something out on the range and talked to a couple people about a little bit here and there, and just figured something out.

And today was a good day. I feel like I stayed really within the present a lot. Didn't really think about what's going to happen on the next hole, what's going to happen after I hit or just -- just really like enjoying each moment out there.

Q. And how did you make yourself stay in the moment? What is the key?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: I think I've been in the grind for a while now, and like that really kind of taught me to just look at what's next, what's in front of you. And I've been doing that for a while now. So, yeah.

Q. And on the range, what was it? Was it --

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: Just be myself.

Q. Okay. Nothing technical?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: A little bit, but just be myself.

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129416-1-1222 2023-03-02 06:39:00 GMT

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