HSBC Women's World Championship

Thursday, 2 March 2023

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Ariya Jutanugarn

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice solid way to start your week here. Just evaluate that round. You recovered after like an early double, I think.

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: Yeah, it's getting much better this week, and have like more confidence even, like last week I thought really have good week, but I feel like everything start to get better.

Q. Did you feel kind of good coming here after last week, being at home for a little while?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: Yeah, you know, even feel better when I don't have like pressure, nothing. So I didn't practice. So kind of like don't know how it's going to be.

Q. How did you adjust? The golf course conditions weren't obviously ideal, but played really well.

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: Actually, the golf course is in great shape. It's like no wait, everything is perfect.

Q. Greens, I heard, were a little -- little more -- not as soft as we might have seen them. Did you find that out there?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: Yeah, I thought it was going to be really soft, but it's not. Actually, it's really dry.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
129418-1-1222 2023-03-02 07:08:00 GMT

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