HSBC Women's World Championship

Sunday, 5 March 2023

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Yuka Saso

Quick Quotes

Q. What a day, final round 6-under 66. Highlight of the day might have been the putt on 11. Tell me about that.

YUKA SASO: Yes, hit my drive pretty good, but I had a tree on my right. Hit a good second shot where I wanted to, probably 40 feet or so. Didn't expect it to go in but yeah, that would be the highlight for the day.

Q. You gave yourself a chance today in that find found. What was going through your head as you started the round? I know you were a handful back at that point.

YUKA SASO: I wanted to enjoy playing with Lydia who is current No. 1 and last week's winner. I was just really looking forward to it. We had fun playing together. It was a good day and finished good, so it's been a good week.

Q. What does a round like today tell you about what you've been working on and where your game is at?

YUKA SASO: Actually I don't really know. I'm happy that I played good. But I feel like I need to warm up something more. But yeah, I'm happy where I am and just keep patient I guess and enjoy golf.

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