HSBC Women's World Championship

Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Ruoning Yin

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right. I'm here the Ruoning Yin at the HSBC Women's World Championship. Welcome to the media center, Ruoning.

RUONING YIN: Thank you.

THE MODERATOR: So Ruoning, you're making your debut at this torment. What are your first impressions of this tournament and the course?

RUONING YIN: I played with my homie Danielle today, just played nine holes. And the course, I think, the fairway is quite narrow. And I think the green speed was pretty fast. But I think it's hard to chip the ball with chipping in kind of the stuff.

But I think this tournament is such an amazing tournament and just to have so many iconic women here, it just feels amazing to make my debut here.

THE MODERATOR: And what do you think after seeing the course, what do you think it will take to be successful out here and win this week?

RUONING YIN: I think for me the approach shot is quite important because this green is -- if you hit to the right part, you'll be good. But if you miss where you shouldn't miss, just you will get punished for that.

THE MODERATOR: And this is your fourth LPGA start this year. You played Hilton Grand Vacations, the Drive on Championship, and then last week at Honda LPGA. How does your game feel this week after making those past three starts?

RUONING YIN: I think I feel like my game is still a little bit rusty from the off season, and just try to work on things together and just try to get better every day.

THE MODERATOR: Was there anything specifically you worked on in the offseason, either mentally or with your game?

RUONING YIN: I would say I worked on my swing a little bit because I had a wrist injury in 2022, and just I always hinge too much on the backswing, and that cost my wrist a little bit. So try to just get less injured with the swing.

THE MODERATOR: And then you won two tournaments last year in the first half of the year, one being a major, and you also have had several top ten finishes last year. What did you learn most about yourself after winning last year?

RUONING YIN: Well, I think for me because I can -- I think I'm a good ball striker. And if I can hit the ball well, work the ball well, I think I will put myself in the right spot to win.

THE MODERATOR: And did you gain any more confidence, or when you went home was anything different?

RUONING YIN: At home I think I just enjoyed the family time with my grandparents and my parents as well. And I just -- I didn't think about golf that much and just tried to enjoy it.

THE MODERATOR: Do you think you were recognized more after winning?




THE MODERATOR: By many fans?


THE MODERATOR: Were there any interactions specifically?

RUONING YIN: Well, I was like -- because I went back to my mom's hometown, and we would walk on the street. And some just random guys just came up and said, Is that Ruoning? Is that Ruoning? I was like -- grabbed my mom, and don't look back and just go.

Yeah. Definitely some people will recognize me. I think it's good and some bad.

THE MODERATOR: And after winning twice last year, you were just a rookie in 2022. All those things considered, what are your goals for 2024?

RUONING YIN: I think 2024 is a big year because then we have Olympic, and then we have five majors, and just focus on those tournaments. Obviously the Olympics is my goal. Just try to play well.

THE MODERATOR: And what would it mean for you to represent in the Olympics?

RUONING YIN: It definitely means a lot. Especially this year is my first Olympic experience. So I will try to enjoy it, but it already gives me goose bumps.

THE MODERATOR: I'll open it up for questions now if there's any in the room.

Q. Last year you were No. 1 for a short time. Is that also going to be an aspiration this year?

RUONING YIN: I think definitely the -- compares to be the No. 1, and I think I will focus more on winning the tournament.

Q. (Off microphone) HSBC Junior Programme. How special is it to find yourself (indiscernible)? Can you talk a little bit about what you experienced and how that programme has helped you.

RUONING YIN: I think HSBC Junior Programme has definitely helped me like through the years of -- like all the good players in China, like junior golfers in China, they're all playing HSBC Junior Programme.

And I think that gave me more experience like to think through the best player at that time and give me a lot of experience, work, like play in front of a group and things like that. I think it's quite helpful.

Q. What does it mean to you to now be at this tournament after being a part of the programme?

RUONING YIN: It's my first time to play HSBC Women's Championship. And I think as I grew up as HSBC Junior golfer, I think it means a lot. It just kind of feels like you've upgraded. So it's good.

Q. You mentioned that this is the first time you're coming to play here. What are your thoughts on the golf course? Is it a golf course you think that you can win on?

RUONING YIN: I think I can win on any golf course. But this course, I only see nine holes today. And just feel like, like I said earlier, if I can put the ball in the right position, I can have a good spot.

Q. Who did you play with today?

RUONING YIN: I already said that, I played with my homie Danielle.

Q. Love it. (Indiscernible)?

RUONING YIN: Of course.

THE MODERATOR: We love the support. Thank you, Ruoning. Best of luck this week.

RUONING YIN: Thank you.

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141259-1-1222 2024-02-27 06:11:00 GMT

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