HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 1 March 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Celine Boutier

Quick Quotes

Q. 8-under today, what stuck out about your game maybe compared to yesterday?

CELINE BOUTIER: I think my putting was a little better. I feel like I didn't really make that many putts yesterday, and today I felt like I made everything. So I felt like that was definitely main difference between yesterday and today.

Q. And the best round of 2024 so far. How great is it to see these nice round coming in so early in the year?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, definitely it feels good. I feel like I didn't really get the best of starts last week, so it feels a lot better to finally have one low round.

Q. Can you talk about the last hole when your ball went toward the fringe of the green, were you hoping for a birdie there as well?

CELINE BOUTIER: No. 9, I was a little bit surprised that it went over. I definitely feel like I hit a good shot and just released it too much. That was too bad but managed to have a good finish.

Q. So obviously yesterday the course was super challenging with the wind and the fast greens, but what changed today for, and you how do you adapt to the course?

CELINE BOUTIER: It was definitely less windy, and I was able to get a good start and two birdies on the back, which is my front nine. That gave me a lot of confidence to keep going and I was able to take advantage of a lot of birdie putts, especially on four, and just kept going. I feel like I played solid all round long and was able to get a low score.

Q. What did you do to prepare for today's round or were you just resting?

CELINE BOUTIER: I think I mostly rest. I've been pretty tired the last two days. It's kind of a hilly course, and then with the heat last week and this week is not easy to recover from one round to another. So I'm just going to try to rest as much as possible.

Q. You spoke about having family here with you. Did you have dinner with them? How big of a support are they?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, most of the time I travel by myself but my parents like to come to these two events. It's been fun to have them around. My dad was following me around today, so I wanted to make it a point to play well and they are very excited.

Q. So after this, you'll be going for dinner?


Q. What's the game plan for the next day, for the third day?

CELINE BOUTIER: Just going to try to score and shoot as low as I can and put myself in good position to score.

Q. How many bottles of water did you need to drink?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, it's probably around like ten or something. I probably just finished one before heading to the first tee already.

Q. You were rolling in putts, and you said putting really helped you today. So what was going through your mind before every putt?

CELINE BOUTIER: I was trying to think less to be honest. Yesterday I actually played pretty well but just came up pretty sort. Today I just went to putt to the right place and not be too indecisive.

Q. You mentioned it was your dad's birthday today. Was there any comments about it before you teed off today about playing well today and celebration?

CELINE BOUTIER: Yeah, a little bit. Wished him a happy birthday before my round. He was like, yeah, so you've got to get me a gift, so that would be a nice gift. I hope he enjoys that one.

Q. You have a history of finishing very well in tournaments that you have a second round lead. You currently have the lead by three shots. How comfortable are you in this position being in the lead?

CELINE BOUTIER: I don't know that I feel really comfortable or at ease. I think this w this field and so much great players, you're never really too far ahead, so I'm just trying to take it one round at a time and hopefully post another solid round tomorrow and put myself in a better position -- and I hope no playoff.

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141314-1-1003 2024-03-01 05:37:00 GMT

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