HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 1 March 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Xington Chen

Quick Quotes

Q. Well-played today. How would you describe your round and how did it differ from yesterday?

XINGTONG CHEN: I think today was just a lot more consistent, like yesterday, I had a lot of doubles on the first nine and I played really well on the seek nine. Today was just like, I made a few silly mistakes here and there but didn't feel anything too bad going on. So I guess, yeah, not too much.

Q. And you're still in the leaderboard. You're tied 60th. So you're still ahead of quite a few of the big names. How does that feel?

XINGTONG CHEN: I mean, I didn't really play that well so I'm not exactly pleased about my score today. But pretty unreal. Like everyone has their off-weeks.

Q. And how is the experience, have you learnt much from the last couple days?

XINGTONG CHEN: Yeah, I was just playing with Lydia, and realizing how she just calms down from everything. She's able to like recover the way she was able to recover from shots. I learned a lot playing from her.

Q. Did she give you any advice?

XINGTONG CHEN: Not really. Like I think only talk a bit like the last few holes, yeah.

Q. Is there anything you're going to prepare for for the weekend or just take it day-by-day?

XINGTONG CHEN: Just try to keep it consistent. Try to play better than the previous days.

Q. How much do you want to come back next year?

XINGTONG CHEN: A lot. Hopefully I'll be able to qualify next year because it's a really great experience, great tournament. The course is great. Everything's great. The field is great. Definitely want to qualify again.

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141318-1-1003 2024-03-01 06:45:00 GMT

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