HSBC Women's World Championship

Friday, 1 March 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Ayaka Furue

Quick Quotes

Q. Second round at the HSBC Women's World Championship, solid round today. How did your game feel out there?

AYAKA FURUE: I just had two bogeys, but I concentrate on my play and I had four consecutive birdies out there. So it was pretty good for me.

Q. And what are you telling yourself when you have those two bogeys early in your round?

AYAKA FURUE: The first one I got, the first bogey I got, was like the edge of the bunker and it was really hard shot to the pin. So that was difficult for me but I just made it and keep going on.

Q. How does it feel to be among the leaders going into the third day?

AYAKA FURUE: I think I felt it was really good, like second round, and I just kept like focusing on my play this week.

Q. It yesterday, the course conditions were quite challenging, strong winds, fast greens. But how is it different AND is it easier to score?

AYAKA FURUE: Fast on the greens, easy, but just, it was good.

Q. You had a tie for third last year. What do you enjoy most about this golf course?

AYAKA FURUE: I just have a good impression here of this golf course, like I will definitely finish this golf course at the top.

Q. You're near the top of the leaderboard, and you've been near the top of the leaderboard. How comfortable are you being near the top of the leaderboard? Are you feeling any pressure?

AYAKA FURUE: No pressure at all.

Q. You won The Scottish Open in 2022, right, and you beat Celine Boutier yeah at that time. So how does it feel to be playing with her on the same flight tomorrow?

AYAKA FURUE: She is a really good player. So I just want to catch up with her, her play, and play good tomorrow.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
141324-1-1003 2024-03-01 07:20:00 GMT

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