HSBC Women's World Championship

Sunday, 3 March 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Yuna Nishimura

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Yuna Nishimura after the final round of the HSBC Women's World Championship. Really great round today; you moved up the leaderboard. How does your game feel?

YUNA NISHIMURA: Yesterday morning after the rain, the green was a little softer, compared to yesterday, so when I tried to do my best shot on the greens, it didn't go down.

Q. What was your mindset going into the final round today?

YUNA NISHIMURA: I just started, when I look at the leaderboard, I feel like I can aim at the top ten. So I try like all the best.

Q. And I see a lot of fans out there. How great is it to have them out here to support you throughout the week?

YUNA NISHIMURA: Definitely all four days, they come here to support me and it means a lot to me.

Q. How many of them are there; do you know?

YUNA NISHIMURA: We do know. At least like yesterday, like 50 of them.

Q. And do you know any of them personally?

YUNA NISHIMURA: Some of them.

Q. And then how exciting is it to see you playing so well early in the season like this?

YUNA NISHIMURA: Yeah, I'm extremely happy to be here in Singapore. Last year, I didn't make it here. To be here I'm just so happy. Since I played well this early in the season, I feel like I can make it better through the year.

Q. One more question I thought of. You're one of the shorter hitters out here, as well. How did you adjust, if you had to adjust, to the rain and maybe slowing of the ball not rolling as far?

YUNA NISHIMURA: Since the green is like -- compared to the other three days, I have like long clubs, I feel like I can stop the ball on the greens. Yeah, that's how I adjust.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
141365-1-1003 2024-03-03 05:45:00 GMT

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