HSBC Women's World Championship

Sunday, 3 March 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club


Quick Quotes

Q. Solid round, maybe not the score you wanted on the the last hole but you had a birdie train coming in. How did it feel especially those last few holes?

BROOKE HENDERSON: You know the back nine was really fun, especially the long birdie putt on 15, followed up with a birdie on 16 and 17. So it was really fun and it was really nice to climb the leaderboard like that.

Unfortunately, dropped a shot on 18. It was a difficult hole today. But overall really happy with how the week went and I feel like I'm going to take a lot of momentum and a lot of confidence moving forward.

Q. Were you aware of where you were at on the leaderboard?

BROOKE HENDERSON: I was keeping an eye on it pretty much all day trying to make a bit of a climb. It was a late climb but I'm glad I did it.

Q. This is your third top ten finish already this season so far. How nice is it to see the consistency and hard work paying off nearly the season?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, thanks. It's exciting to come out of the gate pretty strong. I love Top 10's and I'm always trying to get a bunch. Last year didn't get a whole lot, so this year trying to make up for it.

It's nice to get three pretty quickly to start the season and there's lots of golf left to be played. I feel like my game is right there. Just need a couple breaks, and I'll see what happens.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
141366-1-1003 2024-03-03 05:54:00 GMT

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