HSBC Women's World Championship

Sunday, 3 March 2024

Republic of Singapore

Sentosa Golf Club

Hannah Green

Quick Quotes


Q. Three birdies on the bounce, how did you do that?

HANNAH GREEN: I knew I needed to go today in order to win because the conditions were a little bit softer today than the last few days. I was talking to my coach on the phone last night and he's like, yeah, try and get as many birdies in early as possible. I like to make things a bit interesting and birdied the last three.

Like you said, a few years ago, I almost had this trophy in my hand and made two bogeys coming down the last. Almost like it was meant to be today for me, holing those two putts today on the last two holes. I'm so happy to have this in my hands.

Q. You can clearly see that, we can see the emotion on your face, that beautiful big smile. You've just recently got married. Is this part of the honeymoon?

HANNAH GREEN: No. We haven't had a honeymoon. Jarryd is in New Zealand, and he also plays professionally. It's difficult to schedule us both at the same time, and I haven't seen him in three or four weeks. So we are seeing each other on Tuesday, so we'll celebrate.

Q. You join Karrie Webb as an Australian winner of this championship. There's something quite special about this place?

HANNAH GREEN: Definitely. I've always loved coming to Singapore. Even though it's a bit more hot than what I'm used to in Perth, I love it here. Love the food and the fans have been amazing. I certainly felt everyone supporting me the last couple holes, so really thank you to everyone for being here today.

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