T-Mobile Match Play presented by MGM Rewards

Friday, April 5, 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Shadow Creek

Sei Young Kim

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Sei Young Kim after her third round at the T-Mobile Match Play presented by MGM Rewards. Just kind of talk about the conditions out there and how are you able to combat them?

SEI YOUNG KIM: Yeah, I played yesterday and today both really tough condition, but I play solid yesterday but I wasn't -- I don't like today because the bad weather, even that I couldn't make the birdies.

So it's kind of little disappointed. But I made the cut, so I have to the weekend. But I can play the aggressive play, more aggressive play, so, yeah, I'm looking forward this weekend.

Q. You said yesterday that you liked the challenging conditions.


Q. Yeah. Was this a little too challenging or what did you make of it?

SEI YOUNG KIM: Yeah, it was challenge for me, but I was kind of enjoying it. Today I'm very struggle with the weather and it's kind of different. So I'm hopefully better tomorrow and Sunday.

So, yeah, after the interview I'm going to check out the yeah, my shot and the putting.

Q. During your round were you scoreboard watching at all, seeing where you were at?


Q. Did what maybe change your game plan as you went along, just trying to stay afloat?

SEI YOUNG KIM: Normally I didn't looking at the leaderboard, so I didn't know during the tournament what's going on.

So I thought can be I could miss it, I couldn't make it, so I try to every hole very safety. So, yeah, but last one I look at the leaderboard and then, yeah, I have a plenty of room, so, yeah.

Q. Last question: What is going to be the difference in mindset going from stroke play to match play?

SEI YOUNG KIM: We don't have to take care of a lot of things going on tomorrow, and then I think the more simple tomorrow.

Yeah, it's going to be fun tomorrow.

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143047-1-1041 2024-04-06 00:41:00 GMT

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