T-Mobile Match Play presented by MGM Rewards

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Shadow Creek

Nelly Korda


Q. A beautiful trophy, your 12th trophy, and now your fourth in a row. Can you describe this run that you've been on?

NELLY KORDA: No. It's just been a whirlwind. It's been an amazing time, and to do it here as well in match play has been so much fun.

You know, playing the first two events, going down the stretch, there is a different type of adrenaline, but I feel like with match play you have that from the first hole so it was a great day playing against Leona. Always such a great competitor.

But happy to get my fourth.

Q. A little bit of a Solheim matchup going against Leona. Talk about how you prepared mentally for the match today against her. You knew she was a fiery competitor and was going to bring her best. You had to have your A+ game.

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, you know, I have such a great team. I have a great caddie, Jason that is by my side 24/7 when I am out here. And then I have a great coach, great support system.

What we just said, this golf course is so tough that pars are going to go a long way. Stay in your own bubble, hit fairways, hit greens, and try not to make mistakes, and did that today.

Q. You you're representing T Mobile. You are the queen of Shadow Creek and the queen the match play. A 4&3 win over Leona Maguire. Congratulations on your 12th victory.

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