T-Mobile Match Play presented by MGM Rewards

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Shadow Creek

Leona Maguire


Q. I know things are not quite how you wanted them to turn out. Talk about your mentality going into this final match today and what you were going to potentially be up against going against the undisputed No. 1, Nelly Korda?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Obviously Nelly is the best player in the world right now probably male or female. She i splaying unbelievable golf and I knew I was going to have to bring my A+ game if I was going to have a chance.

Just didn't putt well enough, and hats off to Nelly. She really didn't give me much of a chance. Yeah, it's very impressive what she's doing.

Q. Yeah, we're so used to seeing you nail all those important putts in big matches like the Solheim Cup. Was there just a little feel that was off with your putter today or just one of those days where they didn't drop?

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I think I left myself above the hole too much today. The referees didn't go easy on some of those pins. If you got above them you just really had no chance to stop it.

Yeah, they were slick. You really didn't have much of a chance above it. Yeah, like I said, I didn't give myself quite enough chances. Yeah, ultimately I didn't feel like I did a whole lot wrong; Nelly just did more right.

Q. So much of match play is momentum, and you did win 13 and 14 with a couple of brilliant shots there. Talk about a bit of momentum that started to shift and what that potentially could have done.

LEONA MAGUIRE: Yeah, I just wanted to keep Nelly on the golf course for as long as possible. I never give up. It's something that I never do. I try to fight until the very end.

Yeah, ultimately it wasn't good enough today. There is a lot of positives to take from the week, especially heading into Chevron a couple weeks' time.

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143122-1-1041 2024-04-08 00:36:00 GMT

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