Meijer LPGA Classic

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Nasa Hataoka

Quick Quotes

Q. Nasa, 7-under 65 today. Take us through the low round for you. Bogey-free performance as well.

NASA HATAOKA: Yeah, there was actually a couple holes where I actually had a bogey chance but I wasn't able to make the par. (Indiscernible).

Q. What went into the round? What was feeling good to shoot so low today?

NASA HATAOKA: Yeah, especially my iron game. I was feeling really good. I was hitting the pin a lot of times, so I feel like my iron game helped my game today a lot.

Q. How did the course play today? I know you had a few practice rounds. How did it play with the new course renovations?

NASA HATAOKA: Yeah, so there was actually -- the greens were pretty -- there were holes where it was fast and where it was slow, so I kind of needed to adjust on that.

Hopefully I can do that tomorrow.

Q. Four birdies in five holes on the front nine. After that, is that when you felt like you felt really good and you would have a good round today?

NASA HATAOKA: Yeah, my iron game has been really good but didn't click, didn't match with my putting, so first half I was able to do that, so I'm really happy with it.

Q. Playing with Min and she got off to that great start. How much does that play a factor for you when you're both playing so well? Does that add to it for you?

NASA HATAOKA: Yeah, definitely playing with her helped me a lot. At the beginning we birdie at the same hole, we had kind of same momentum going, so I think playing with her was really enjoy.

Q. So golf is obviously a very mental game. How nice is it to go into tomorrow minus 7 and just kind of build and have confidence for tomorrow and the next three days?

NASA HATAOKA: Yeah, this course usually everyone hits low scores, so it's really important for me to play four good rounds.

So hoping to do that for tomorrow, too.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108842-1-1041 2021-06-17 17:45:00 GMT

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