Meijer LPGA Classic

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Ariya Jutanugarn

Quick Quotes

Q. Ariya, bogey-free round today. How do you feel after the first great round?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: Feel good. You know, I still have so much thing to work on. I miss lots of tee shot and I left my putt like short a lot, because like, you know, haven't -- didn't practice much on the green so I thought it's like going to be faster than what I thought. Yeah.

Q. So would you say there were a lot more birdie opportunities for you out there today?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: I would say, yeah, because I hit my iron pretty good, pretty solid, and I have pretty good distant. Yep.

Q. What was the practice round like before this?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: I didn't play Monday and I play nine hole on Tuesday, so still feel a bit tired from like U.S. Open and match play even I have one week off. I feel like I want to rest more, so I didn't practice much at all.

Q. And what are some of the your goals going into the next three rounds?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: I feel I still want to work on my tee shot a lot because I miss it a lot today, so just want to work on my commitment to get better.

Q. One shot off the lead heading into the final three round, that's got to boost your confidence going into the next few days, right?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: You know, I still -- I not really feel anything, because I feel even one shot behind but still lots of golf to play. I just going to keep working on my stuff.

Q. I know they renovated the course. How do you feel the course played today?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: You know, it's a lot harder. I haven't play here for a while. I didn't come for like two, three years, so it's a lot change.

But I couldn't remember the old one also, so...

Q. In general did you have a good time on the course today?

ARIYA JUTANUGARN: Yeah, of course. Yep.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108861-1-1041 2021-06-17 23:55:00 GMT

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