Meijer LPGA Classic

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Anna Nordqvist

Quick Quotes

Q. You rebounded quite nicely after the early bogey with five birdies through the rest of the round. How big was it to turn it around and climb that leaderboard into Sunday?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, I thought I hit a good drive on 1 and ended up in the rough, and then my approach shot came -- didn't fly, so it just ran all the way off the green.

So wasn't the best start, but then hit it to four feet on 2. It was nice to rebound. I've been rolling the putter really well this week and made a good birdie on 4.

From there on I just couldn't really seem to -- I was really close on a lot of putts; just didn't roll them in. Then we had the break and it was a couple good holes coming up, and then they obviously moved up a couple tee boxes, so 14 was very gettable today.

Sort of a nice two-putt there, and then just hit two great shots on 17 to birdie, and then a really good pitch there from the rough on 18 to set myself up for birdie.

Q. Was the rain delay welcomed for you or did they kill some momentum that you had?

ANNA NORDQVIST: No, because I didn't really have any momentum before that. I was basically 1-under and then I had 20-footer on 10 for birdie, so wasn't really killing it out there.

So definitely nice to have a little bit of break, have some lunch. I mean, I think we all expected it to be a little bit longer, but just feeling good. Played really sold today. Hit a lot of good shots. That's all I can ask for.

There is going to be low scores out there, especially with how soft the greens have got in the last three days, but overall, I'm happy with my game.

Q. Is the course very different after the rain delay or not too much?

ANNA NORDQVIST: I would say I thought I hit a good what would be a 22-degree hybrid into 14 and you would expect it to release a little bit, and basically sat on its spot. So a little bit like you didn't -- I mean, wasn't much roll before the delay, but certainly wasn't after.

But this course is so good, so it's been holding up really well.

Q. Anna Nordqvist has been known to throw up some low numbers in her career. I imagine another one will be needed tomorrow to chase a title. Anything you try different out there, or do you kind of just make sure the game is intact heading into a major and not try to get too crazy?

ANNA NORDQVIST: No, I mean, winning is so much out of your control, so I think I'm quite a few back, especially with Nelly killing it today.

But she just shows like if your putter is hot and you hit a couple good shots, anything is possible. But I'm just trying -- I'm happy I'm seeing a little bit more consistency in my game as of late, so I'll -- I'm pretty busy focusing on myself.

Q. Big day tomorrow, when you can have a round right in front of you, a competitive round leading into a major week just to make sure you're feeling good.

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, I like playing the week before a major. Always have. So it's just been nice. I had a week off. I was pretty exhausted after the U.S. Open, so it was a nice, refreshing break.

Took a lot of time off last week so felt refreshed going into this week. Big day tomorrow, and then I'm ready for next week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
108969-1-1041 2021-06-19 19:22:00 GMT

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