Meijer LPGA Classic

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

In Gee Chun

Quick Quotes

Q. In Gee, second lowest round of the week. How was it out there today?

IN GEE CHUN: Actually I had a solid game until yesterday, except putting, so it was like steadily still miss to the left, had many birdie chances.

So after yesterday's round I spend more time on the practice putting green and I trying to fix it. It works really well. That's how I made lowest score today.

Q. And then how much of a confidence booster is it into next week's KPMG?

IN GEE CHUN: I had a three bogey-free round last three days, so I think pretty much I got a good like positive energy from the bogey-free rounds.

I just want to keep going next week.

Q. What is working the most in your game right now?

IN GEE CHUN: I'm still working on my swing a little bit. Then I think and I believe it's almost there, so trying to work hard.

And then I want to say thank you to my coach how he work hard to do. So this week I got so much like fun from the fans here, so I really appreciate it. We'll see next week.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
109034-1-1041 2021-06-20 21:36:00 GMT

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