Meijer LPGA Classic

Friday, June 17, 2022

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Brooke Henderson

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Brooke Henderson, who is continuing the hot streak she's on; 6-under 66 today. Had an eagle on the card, a couple bogeys, a bunch of birdies. Just take me through the round out there.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, definitely fun to make a lot of birdies. You mentioned the eagle. That's always really nice.

Unfortunately dropped a couple shots there on my back nine. I'm just happy that I was making a lot of birdies and giving myself a lot of good looks.

Excited for the weekend. I have to make some moves tomorrow, but definitely looking forward to the opportunity.

Q. Got off to a decent start on the front nine, which is the back today. Took you a minute to make that first birdie, but once you got the first one seemed like it started going for you. Walk me through 17 and 18, the birdie and eagle.

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, 17 was nice. I finally made a long-ish putt. Before that it was just pretty short on the par-5, 14th, I think. So definitely nice to get one on 17 and kind of get everything kind of rolling.

And then backed it up with an eagle putt on 18, which is nice.

From there I had a really nice stretch where I was making a ton of birdies and Nelly was, too. It was really fun. We could kind of feed other each other.

Q. What is it like to have two players like that going low in the same group? You said feed off each other, but what's the vibe out there when it's going like that?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, it's so much fun. The crowd gets behind you and you're pushing each other to make birdies. The energy is high, and it's -- yeah, feel like fun is the only way you can really sum it up.

It's just high energy and a lot of fun.

Q. Do you enjoy the way with the wind makes you create shots? Do you enjoy that aspect of it?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, scores are really low considering how windy it is out here. Sometimes some of the holes it's really tough to judge. It's pretty gusty, too, so I'm pretty impressed that the scores have been as low as they have.

I think Brit has done a really good job of giving my good clubs and good lines, and hopefully we can just continue that the next two days.

Q. How big a spark was that eagle for you?

BROOKE HENDERSON: It was really important. Yeah, I wasn't really doing too much. The birdie on 17 kind of got the putter going and got me feeling nice again and confident with it.

But then the eagle, that was a great way to make the turn.

Q. Coming off the win, you've won here twice, how high is the confidence?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, you know, right now it's a great stretch of golf for me. Obviously winning last week was a huge bonus and really grateful for that.

Then coming into this week knowing that I've had such success here was really exciting, and it's nice to put myself pretty close to the top of the leaderboard through two days.

Just half the tournament is over, so hopefully I can make a big climb the next two.

Q. As I recall, last time you were here your parents weren't able to travel because of all the COVID restrictions. Are they going to be here this weekend?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, they're here, which is great. Then my sister's husband, brother-in-law, he's from here, Grand Rapids, all his family is out, too. So it's just really nice to have a lot of friends and family close.

Q. How much does that help?

BROOKE HENDERSON: It's amazing just to have that support. The fans here are always amazing, huge crowds always, and I think being past champion I always feel a lot of love from them, too, which is pretty cool.

Q. Today was that second time you had an eagle on 18. You starting to get a little bit more comfortable with that?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, you know, 18 is definitely a birdie hole, and then if you can hit the green in two then you have an eagle look.

So I've been lucky enough to make the putts the last two days, and hopefully just keep doing it.

Q. We talk a lot about creativity, and with the wind, how much fun is it for you to be able to get out there and be creative and just kind of -- does it wear you down at all having to think a little bit extra with some shots in the wind, or how does that work for you?

BROOKE HENDERSON: Yeah, you know, the wind can definitely be mentally draining for sure. So far it's been going well. I mentioned Brit's been doing a really good job in calculating yardages and giving me good lines, but it has been tough to judge.

I think everybody is going to have one or two shots where they misjudge, but hopefully you can just get up and down. Yeah, hopefully the rest of the time you just can hit quality shots have a birdie look.

Q. Looks like and you Brit have a lot of fun out there. Sometimes pros talk about being themselves out on the golf course and just kind of whatnot. What does that mean to be Brooke Henderson for you out on the golf course?

BROOKE HENDERSON: That's a deep question. (Laughter.)

I don't know. I'm just really grateful to have my sister on the bag. She's been there I think like seven years now, so she just knows me really well. It's really easy to talk to her if I feel like talking. Sometimes when things around going well and I don't want to say anything, she's good with that, too.

It's just nice to have somebody that's your best friend and really knows you and can interpret the situation. When things are going well like this week, it is fun and we can laugh and joke a little bit more out there.

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